Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Words of poison that goes around

Just like animals, some animals are poisonous, some helps you, some accompany you, some even attack you, some just come to you because you brings them food.

People have those characteristics in them, that's why it's important to observe, but sometimes, it's just that instinct that let us know that this person is "safe" when it's around us.

Bad example is the poisonous words that people pass around. They would tell others that this person has this certain character, for example he/she would go around telling that this person has an intolerable character( like being lazy, boring, worthless, lousy). If those who actually believe it, then the his/her impression towards that person is there.
Never let other people words influence you on how to think towards another person, althought the fact is there, avoid having bad impression about a certain person.

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