Monday, July 25, 2005

The Trap

What would you do if you know that you're walking right into a trap? Would you, avoid the trap? Or just walk into it and be prepared to deal with the trap?

Come to think of it, life is just like the trap. Sometimes you know what going to happen in life, but somehow some ways that you just walked into it and deal with what's the consequences. Like a bad example if shoplifting, the person knows what will happen if he shoplift, he'll get caught. ( Same as the trap, he/she know that by walking that way he/she will fall into the trap ). The person thinks that what if he didn't get caught? He would be carrying away a valuable item. Soon after that he did shoplift, and just as he expected, he got caught red handed.

Although the person know that shoplift = getting caught. He still do it. Just like how I said it, if you know that you're walking right into a trap? Would you, avoid the trap? Or just walk into it and be prepared to deal with the trap? He walked right into the trap that he knows it's there, but he just did it and not prepared of the outcome. That's a fool who didn't think.

With that analyst, it makes me think that every moment you have to think and analyze the items surround you, knowing which is a trap, is there any conpiracy going on around you, anyone talking behind you. Although some of these things you can know what's been going on, but in the end, it will be like walking into the trap.

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Mental Agility : A B C

Every tried saying the ABCs backwards? Its really possible, but some would find it difficult, but some after learning the trick would find ...