This is an interview with Me and Myself.
Q : Tell me more about yourself.
A : Well, spending most of my time spacing out, dreaming away, thinking, wondering and imagining. I do need a place to keep track of what i've been thinking about, what a good place than to Blog it.
Q : What's with the nick?
A : Since i entered the so called internet world, everyone has a nick name, well once my nick was Trancer, and changed it to Drone which stays for quite sometimes, use it while i played online games and LAN gaming. Recently 3 years ago i changed to FrostDrone, an additional to the Drone nick. Actually in fact before that i thought of Glazier, but then it just does'nt match me. For a few months i used FrostDrone but out of a moment a nick just pass my thoughts, it's GyrocTyne, well it has no meaning, just something that i thought about and it come to me. Through my own finding, Gyroc is actually some sort of thing that you associate with the sky or aerodynamic stuff, and Tyne is a name of a place, well what the heck, a unique nick that just come to my mind.
Q : Does spacing out has any benefits? I think it's a waste of time.
A : Actual fact it is a waste of time, but for example when i'm in the bus or in a long journey, it's good to think about stuff, makes your memory and thoughts moves.
Q : You mentioned that you liked to ponder and imagine stuff, that really does can affect your performance in your daily life.
A : Well, when it comes to work, it's work, and when things get so bored, escaping to your world of imagination and makes castles in the sky. :)
Q : Do you treat Blog as a dairy?
A : Not at all, i treat it more as a journal. People will in one way or another read this posts and information will be taken. As when i did this blog, i know that people will read it, so i'll post something to them that's worth the reading time :)
Q : So what if there is no anyone that is intrested in your posts. Is'nt posting into this Blog a waste of time?
A : Not at all, There is someone that reads my posts, Cause you are reading this.
Q : one last question, why is'nt there any pictures or any images to see? It would be good.
A : I'm working on it, but i still prefer words then images cause, my whole intention is information, if they are distracted by my pictures, then no reason to read.
Q : Atleast a picture of you, is'nt it too much?
A : :) I see about it.
Q : That's about enough for today, oops i ment for this morning, by the way, why are'nt you sleeping? it's 1.10am in the morning?
A : I'm sleeping during the day, and usually im awake from 6pm to 7am in the morning. Maybe it's my sleeping habits.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
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